Where do you find Edison Chen's sex scandal pics?

| 2/24/08
There are people who upload all the latest photos of Edison Chen sex scandal to this website. Try your luck so that you no need to search in Google or yahoo for Edison, Gillian Chung, Cecelia Cheung, Rachel Ngan, Bobo Chen, Candice Chan, Manday Chen and also 3 photos of Vincy Yeung.
More and more nude pictures leak out and spreading all over asia. This sex scandal will not be so easily cover up by digital fake pictures. No more people will say it is a digital fake photos by photoshop. All of us believe it is real pictures.
Now Hong Kong forum has spotted a K-Y lubricants in Gillian Chung and Edison photos. People now has questioning Gillian Chung who has a really nice image before, has anal sex with Edison Chen. Though it is all for you to believe or not.
Besides, the photos that Gillian Chung took were believe during 2001 to 2006 as there were photos that she in short hair and long hair. During that time, edison is with Bobo Chen and Maggie Q as well. Thta make me really confuse Gillian has known the exitence of the other girl but still involve with Edison. Or I have to say, Edison really has his "charisma".
Until then, we can wait for more hot news, or until we prove the photo is digital fake one.